Peut-on parler de maladie quand aux "comportements addictifs" sur les réseaux sociaux ?

dimanche 2 janvier 2011

Benefical or Dysfonctionnal ?

In order to approach the psychological part, we will share an article which is too long to be posted in this post, so here is  the whole text.

So here we have an article about the medical aspect of the addiction to social networks called "Social Networking sites: benefical or dysfonctionnal?". It is written on may, the 14, 2010 by Cathy Herold, a master's degree in English from California State University Long Beach. She also writes for Demand Studios. She has been writing articles for the Web since 2007. We found it on the website, a Canadian online magazine that published articles by freelance writers.

This article deals with medical risks caused by the "addiction" to the social networks.
It says that social networks are attractive because we can have the life we want on them, but this is also their danger. It's very easy to cunfuse his real life with his virtual life and completely forget the real one to live the one we prefer.

In this article, we can see that social networks could be very harmful on an emotional plan. Indeed, it's not so hard to identify ourself with the virtuel personnality we created on a social network and who has a better life than us. And this is very dangerous, because we spend more and more time on internet and gradually lose our family and friends. Behind our screen, we are fearless, we can do and say everything, we can invent our perfect life.  Here is the danger!! The risk is that we believe we have the choice between those two lives and so we choose the online one.
The writer give us five signs of an addiction to the social networks, which could be interesting if we have suspicions about someone aroud us.

So in conclusion we can say that even social networks seems to be just an entertainment, they can generate several serious diseases. You don't have to take social networks lightly, they can be psychologically devastating.

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